Saturday, February 7, 2009


OK, so some of you may already know, but Bud and I both lost our jobs and we REALLY need some money. We don't have credit cards and don't have a good savings. We're getting some unemployment, but of course, so is everyone else. So obviously it's not as much as when we had jobs. We REALLY REALLY REALLY DO NOT want to have to move out and move in with the parentals. It's just not healthy, we all know this.
We can use all the help we can get. I know a lot of you are out of state and can't really help, but even some advice would be nice.
We are on-line all day long looking at every job search site out there. There just isn't anything. It's so scary right now. So it's almost like you have to know someone in order to get a job. So with that being said, this is what Bud and I are experienced in and if anyone knows of anyone and has any advice on where to maybe look, we would LOVE to know about it. Even if it's just a total temp job. Any extra money right now would be wonderful so we can stay in our own place. Our rent is only $850 so it shouldn't be hard to meet with a little extra income.
So Bud has a lot of experience in construction. He knows how to do ALL kinds of things. He can also pick up on something in seconds if he doesn't quite know. He's your all around handy man! He's also in his last class to get his Certs in Welding!
As for me, I have 5 years of nanny experience. So any kind of child care. I also have experience with twins. I have some experience in cake making as well as some office work. Obviously I can't work doing any kind of heavy lifting because I'm pregnant, but I'm willing to try anything, as long as it's more than $13/hour.
Thank you to everyone who can help. It is so scary out there right now and this life is getting so hard. Any chance we can get to move out of state would be wonderful. But unfortunately you need some money to do that. So hopefully soon would be nice.
Thanks again, and your prays are very much appreciated as well!


April Ellis said...

I'm really sorry you are in this position. I wish I could help in some way. I do however wish you love and luck. I'll be thinking of you XXX

Michele said...

I would check into temp agencies just so you can get something going right away. Also, since you have done nanny jobs before, you should check out (it's free). If I think of anything else, I will let you know. I really hope things work out for you guys!

Brigitte said...

I wish I could think of some more suggestions, but some things I thought of were: I know you and your mother are great in crafts. is GREAT for home made items. You would probably be able to make a little here and there off that. Doesn't hurt to try. is a very useful tool that ppl use and search on all over the country. Try looking around your place for some gently used or repairable items that can fetch a price and see what you get. Shelley and her husband recently sold some of their spare furniture there. Try the LDS unemployment services as well and check your local classifieds. I really hope some of this helps Britt. I can't imagine how stressed you must feel, especially with a little one on the way. Take care of yourselves; I'll be keeping you both in my prayers. :)