Thursday, November 6, 2008

Crash, bang!

OK, so I got on the freeway to drive home from work and some jerk decides to cut me off when there was barely any room to do so. Before he did this, traffic in front of me was moving, about the speed I was going which was around 30mph. Once he cut me off I couldn't see in front of him because he was in a "no windowed" van. He then merged over to the next lane and I looked up to see the cars in front of me at a dead stop! I slammed on my brakes, but it was too late. I slammed into the car in front of me and she bumped into the car in front of her. Those two cars had very minimal damage. Mine on the other hand....well, just take a look for yourself.

I can hardly open my driver door, both my blinker lights were dangling so the officer took them off and my poor front end, well, looks like that. Luckly, I am perfectly ok and my airbags didn't employ thanks to me slamming on my brakes, my front end went down so the gils bumber crushed my hood instead of my bumper. Otherwise I would be hurt. I'm very thankful! Now I just need to pray for the money to pay for this. Thank goodness for insurance.


Diana said...

What a pain, even if insurance does cover it, it's such a hassel. Good luck!

The Ross Family said...

Oh babe. We just went through this. We just got our car fixed and back yesterday. Now the hood looks great, no more little nicks from bugs and such but a hassel. I am so glad you were not hurt. That is what matters!

Diana said...

Brit, thanks for the info! I am most definitely going to be checking out Target tomorrow!