Friday, February 19, 2010

It's the circle of life, REMEMBER?

OK, so this is a little bit of a vent, but it's in all seriousness.

OK, so something has been happening to me over and over again, and it DRIVES ME CRAZY! So let me just use this current story as my example.

So, Izzy had a great morning this morning, but come her afternoon naptime, she was having a rough time. Bud and I fed her some green beans and shortly after that, she was getting fussy and rubbing her eyes. Naptime. So I made her bottle and took her into her room to rock her. She usually falls asleep before finishing her bottle, but this time she didn't, but she continued to be fussy and sleepy. She was just fighting it. So I put her in her crib anyways and was planning on trying the cry it out method since no one else was home or trying to sleep. (Now, no worries, the cry it out method does not mean that you let them cry till they fall asleep. It's an actual method, but it does consist of letting them cry for a short period of time before going in here again). Well, when I went back in there (like 3 minutes later) she had totally worked herself into a tizzy and when I went to giver her her binky, it made her gag and she threw up green formula EVERYWHERE! Gross I know.
So I get her out and sit with her in the rocker as she looks out the window. Of course now she is totally fine, but still very tired. So the only way to get her to sleep at this point was to take her on a walk.
Izzy goes to sleep EVERY time we go on a walk. She will fall asleep within 3-5 minutes of our walk. It's the sure fire way to get her to sleep when all else fails.
Now, it is suppose to rain today, but it hadn't started yet, so I did what any other mom would do in my situation and I got her all bundled up and set out on a little walk.
As soon as we turned onto the greenbelt (the walking path), this lady is walking in our direction and says with a smile, "You're chancing it, huh"? I smiled back and said,"oh yeah". Then, here came the comment that just makes me roll my eyes and want to scream. It's not the comment itself that drove me nuts, but just the point in general and I'll explain in a minute. She says in all seriousness in reference to Izzy, "Do you have a blanket"? No lady, I don't. I'm super stupid and bring my baby out into the cold with no jacket or blanket. And can she not see that my child is wearing a huge fluffy jacket with a hood, plus has a giant pink fuzzy blanket completely surrounding her?
I'm not directing my irritation directly at her (because she may not realize that most older folks have this problem), but just the act in itself. Why is it that older people (our parents age and older) feel the need to treat us as if we are so stupid and have no idea how to treat and care for a child, let alone our own who WE know better than anyone (other than the Lord of course). Hello! Don't they realize the same thing we are doing is the same thing they did years ago? Except now a days it's a lot easier. Easier in the sense that there is so many more things out there, i.e.; exersaucers, fancy swings, jumperoos, fancy learning toys, bumbo seats, etc. This just drives me crazy! It's the circle of life folks! When you become a mother, you naturally have mother's intuition and just know what to do. Remember? So why would it be any different for our generation? It's one thing when a stranger says something to me, but when someone that KNOWS me says something, it drives me even more crazy because they know my life has been nothing but surrounded by babies and children for most of my life. So am I blind, deaf and dumb? Have I not learned anything about babies and children? I mean really. For me, it's all real simple. Of course we all have our rough days as mothers, but these comments that are felt necessary to say are all topics of common sense child raising. Just like that one time when I went to the grocery store when Izzy was like 1 month old. She was fed right before we left and she started fussing because she was tired. She was just making her little tired cry noise when we were walking through the produce and an old man thought he needed to tell me something. In a very serious and almost mean voice, he walks over to me and says, "She's hungry, you need to feed her"! Oh is that why she is crying? I just thought she was tired or something, but what do I know, I'm only her mother.
OK, think I've made my point and let myself vent a little. But if there are any people who read this and think they might be one of these folks who says things like this, then PLEASE, think before you speak. Every adult mother knows her own child and is smart enough to care of them right.

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