Wednesday, February 3, 2010

-$112.36 and so grateful!

For the past couple months, Bud and I have been the most broke of our lives yet.

We have zero credit cards (which yes, is a good thing, but in the case of an emergency, they are good to have), zero savings (due to the fact we haven't been making enough to even build a savings), and right before Christmas was the last time Bud was able to work and get any money. So... the money we did have, obviously disappeared quickly and we now have a negative balance in our account with zero income and bills that are due this week! And we couldn't be more grateful!! Here's why:

-We have my car payment due at the end of the week and I am so grateful because... I HAVE A CAR!

-Our car insurance is also due at the end of the week and I am so grateful...BECAUSE IF SOMETHING WAS TO HAPPEN TO ME AND MY FAMILY IN OUR CARS, WE ARE TAKEN CARE OF.

-Bud doesn't have a job right now, but I am so grateful because not only do we get to spend more time together as a family, BUT WE HAVE SO MUCH FAITH AND KNOW THE LORD WILL PROVIDE.

-We are a long way from owning our own home and a little ways away from even having our own place again, but we are grateful because WE HAVE A ROOF OVER OUR HEADS AND FOOD IN OUR CUPBOARDS.

-I can only wear the same 3 things over and over again because nothing fits me and we have no money to get clothes that do, but I am so grateful because I HAVE CLOTHES ON MY BACK.

-We have zero money and zero money coming in but we are so grateful because WE HAVE A FATHER IN HEAVEN WHO IS SO WORTHY AND AMAZING AND ALWAYS PROVIDES!!!

1 comment:

Logan & Brooke said...

Way to stay positive Britney!! The Lord will answer your prayers.