Sunday, April 26, 2009

21 Week Update and Orbs!

OK, so here is my 21 week (5 month) belly. I don't feel like it looks a whole lot different, but it feels bigger. Everything went good at the doctors. She told me that I'll be going back to get another ultrasound to get a better picture of the heart. They took some, but she was so squirmy that they couldn't get a really good one. Her heart sounds fine, but they just want to check it out. So that will be in like 6 weeks. It was funny though when she was trying to listen to her because we just got done telling her that she moves all the time and when she found the heartbeat really strong, she stayed there for a moment, but then all of a sudden the heart beat started to fade away. It was funny and we all started laughing. So everything is good, no big updates on that.

OK, so this orb thing has a story. I don't know who all believes in this or not, but with all my experience dealing with death and having seen my brother before, and also knowing someone who sees spirits, I truly feel like orbs are real.
So Son has been acting kind of weird lately for the past couple months or so. He started by getting on our massage chair, looking up at the ceiling and looking around like he was following something. At first we thought is was a bug or something, but we looked and looked and there was never a bug, fuzz or cobweb anywhere. So we would just joke that it was the baby hanging out around us. Well then, a couple weeks ago he started jumping up on Bud's night stand, looking up at the ceiling and "talking" to something. We thought is was cute and funny so we would just watch and laugh. But as it has continued, we swore something was up there. We found a cobweb, so we took it done, but it hasn't stopped him. Another time was in the living room when he was sitting on the back of the couch looking at the fireplace and all of a sudden he took a crazy run for it and tried to jump across to the mantel! We couldn't believe this! I though he had gone crazy! He had never done anything so ridiculous. Another time he sat in front of the fireplace looking up and "talking" again. He would kind of pace back and forth trying to figure out how to get up there. But there was nothing there.
So last night, as we were getting into bed and Son jumped onto the night stand again, we decided to take some pictures to see if any Orbs would show up. To our amazement, there was A LOT!
The Orb above the night stand might hard to see, but it's a little orb just down slightly from the ceiling on the right side of the light on that left wall.
The living room was were it was crazy. There is SIX orbs in this picture. The biggest one being on the very top of the colored wall, right below the ceiling. Another one is right above the blinds. A little one is right above the small picture frame on the mantel. Another small one to the right of our sand cylinder and a really faint bigger one kind of over lapping that one. It takes up almost all the room from the cylinder to the tall picture frame. The last one we can see is on the colored wall to the left of the cross on the wall. Can you see them all! It's crazy! I can only think of 4 people that could be there and that is my dad, brother, Erik and Tanya. I don't know who that other two could be or if the one in the bedroom is one of those six, or if it just hangs out in that corner watching over us. We find it interesting. We're not scared about it though, because nothing weird ever happens to us or our place. So obviously they are just looking over us.

1 comment:

Leeann said...

A girl? Yay! How fun, Brittany. So excited for you guys!