Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New home and no camera

Well, the day after I wrote my last post (it's only been forever)my camera totally stopped working. I hate it so much. Having a baby with no camera really suck. I mean, we have a video camera that takes still shots, but they suck. It's not made for still shots, so all the pictures come out blurry and crappy. On top of that, I can't seem to figure out how to upload them to my computer (it's very different from my last camera). So, all in all, it suck and I want to take pictures of everything Izzy is doing now. We should have our new camera shortly though. For sure before Christmas.
Bud and I are in Concord now, back in my childhood home. I have to say, it's so nice to be back in Concord were I'm closer to my friends and don't have to be scared of whats happening in my town or not. We moved in so that we both can save money. During this time, Bud's work has either laid him off or has gotten slow and couldn't work him. Thankfully he has had some side jobs and has been able to bring in some nice money. However, those don't last forever, so it's a blessing to be able to save and to be helping my mom at the same time.
OK, as for Izzy! She is getting so big and changing all the time. Which, as you could imagine, sucks not to have a camera. She is 3 months old today!
Here are some of the things she has learned and is doing now:
-she's been smiling all the time for a while now, but always knows when there is a camera around; she won't smile.
-crys only when she is hungry or sleepy, but if she's overtired she freaks out and scream like she's hurt or something.
-Doesn't quite get the raspberry blowing thing yet, but if you do it on her belly and then look at her and give her a big smile, then she'll give one back.
-She can be a little jabber jaws. She loves to talk and tell stories. This might just get worse. We're in trouble when she actually does start talking. MMM, wonder where she gets that...:)
-She's starting to somewhat hold her bottle. Not all the time and not all the way, but it's in the works. She likes to at least wrap one hand/arm around it.
-Loves to stand up (with help obviously). She is always straightening her legs out and trying to stand. Due to this, I am having to do more tummy time (fault of my own for hardly doing it at all to begin with, oops). I don't need her to skip over crawling and start walking first.
-Still thinks it's funny when you stick your tongue out at her.
-has giggled only twice now for a very quick second. We're waiting for it to kick into full gear soon.
-I have a feeling her burp rags are going to be her blanky. They have always been with her since we came home from the hospital and she is always grabbing hold of them. At least we'll have a million of them so there will always be one around!
-She loves her changing table and loves having her diaper changed.
-It's been a while since we've been to that doctor, but she's right on track with the size of her clothes. She's wearing some 0-3 months still and is also in 3 months.
-Loves loud music and movement. It's the only way to get her to sleep. A car ride, swing or beating her bum really fast. She's weird, but we love it!
-Has a little baby eczema by her elbows. Thank goodness for Baby Eczema cream and Aquaphor (the miracle cream).
-Had her first shower with mom the other night, and seemed to really enjoy it. She loves her baths too.
-Does not suck her thumb or fingers, but loves to suck on her fist. Her left fist. Every once in awhile throughout the day though, she gets a her thumb or finger (or 2 or 3 of them)in her mouth and ends up gagging. That goes to show you how long her fingers are. MMM...wonder where she gets those!
-She is just now starting to get a little chubby roll on her thighs. I'm loving it!
-She usually sneezes 3 times, but not always and sometimes we get the fake sneeze. It builds up and her face starts going, but then it goes away and we get big eyes and a "ooooohhh" from her. It's so funny. She gets that from me because I still do that myself.
-loves her daddy time, which usually is in the evening, but since daddy has been getting home earlier in the day, she gets bonus daddy time!
-She met Santa yesterday, but seemed to be more interested in the decorations all around. And of course, would not smile for the camera.
-Loves her binky, but only when she's tired or a little fussy (which isn't too often). If she is perfectly happy and content, then she just sticks her tongue out and shakes her head when you try and give it to her.
-hate to admit this, but it's only done when I need free hands and need to quickly get something done. She loves watching TV. I'll sit her up in the couch and prop two pillows beside her, turn on seasame street or Dora and she is fixated on it. It's so funny to see this tiny baby watching TV. It's so funny.
-Loves it when daddy shakes her. I know that sounds bad, but her does this very controlled wiggle with her and she loves it!
OK, I think that's it for now. It's time for her nap and she's letting me know! Hopefully I can get some pictures up soon!

1 comment:

Brigitte said...

3 months already! It's going by so fast huh?! :) She sounds so precious. Can't wait to see a new picture.