Friday, November 6, 2009

Bad Mom and a sleepy Bug

OK, so first and for most, I totally suck lately. My blogging has gotten really slow and I'm so terrible at taking pictures! What is wrong with me? Does this make me a bad mom or what? I guess Bud and I are just so in love with this little angel that our eyes are so drawn to her and I don't want to take them off of her to go grab my camera. Also, I feel like all the pictures I do take look the same as the ones I've already taken. I know she's changing rapidly, but I feel like every picture I take looks the same. Even for Halloween, she was so freakin cute, but we were so involved in her and going from place to place, that I was only able to get 2 pictures of her! I totally suck.
On top of all that though, I dropped my camera and thought I broke it. Well, I kind of did, but it's still functioning enough to take pictures. My heart just sank when I watched it fall from the table to the cement floor. The lens was open and everything. So it tweaked the lens and it gets stuck from time to time. I guess we'll have to save for a super nice camera now (since we have to save for one anyways, I'd like to pick out and get a really nice one this time. So no family members get any ideas, we'd like to pick it out and get it!).
So here are some pictures that I know everyone has probably been anxiously awaiting.

Our cute little Bug on Halloween

So snuggly in her swing! Thanks Lyn and Gretchen! She LOVES it!

She is still such and awesome sleeper. Just last night she slept from 10/10:30 to 5/5:30, ate and then went back to sleep till 8:30!! I love her!! Her naps throughout the day have been a little off since the time change. Not that she has specific times that she sleeps, but it's as if she's just not napping at all during the day. A 20 minute nap here, a 20 minute nap there, just a couple times a day is all it is right now. But she's not fussy about it, so it fine with me. She's just a very alert, happy baby. But today I got her to finally take a long nap in her crib!

We love her so much we can't stand it!


Stevenson and Marissa's Blog said...

very cute. Love the lady bug. And no, you are not a bad mom. I think it's crazy when some mom's have literally thousands of pictures of their child that often look all the same :)

Diana said...

Oh man, I am one of those moms that has tons that look the same. I mean seriously, how many can you get of a baby that just eats and sleeps, ha! I have deleted MANY a picture. So you aren't a bad mom AT ALL! Love the little bug cute! We need to get our girls together and have a play date! Let me know if you need any help while moving, packing, watching Izzy, anything!