Wednesday, July 8, 2009


OK, so it's been a while since my last post, I know, I know! So just a little update on what we've been doing and what's going on.
First things first, July is going to be a very busy month for us. Last Thursday we moved into our new house! The whole weekend we spent cleaning, painting and unpacking. Honestly, the cleaning took the longest and was the most disliked by everyone. But thankfully Bud and I had help and we're able to get it done quicker. We couldn't believe how nasty things were. They even "cleaned" before they moved out, but really, I don't think they have ever cleaned in their life. Their idea of cleaning is wiping things down with water and also, "out of sight, out of mind". They didn't even clean the inside of the mircowave!! Hello! So gross. It looked like chili blew up in there. The kitchen I have to say was the worse, but now it looks great. And honestly, that's the sad part of it all, is that it's a very nice looking house, but they just never cleaned, so we came and and had to de-nasty the place. But now it's wonderful! We just have to shampoo the living and family room and finish painting the living room. Izzy's room is also painted and now we just need to set it all up, but that will be the beginning of August because we have 2 exchange students now and one of them is in there.
Two girls, one from Italy and one from Belgium. They came last night and we haven't spent too much time with them yet because they were so exhausted they just went to bed. Bud and I are so excited to get to know them more and spend time with them. I've already introduced In'n'out to our Italian student and she LOVED it! She inhaled that meal! She was also very hungry, but she that is was so delicious! (MMMM, that sounds so good right now).
So that's what's been going on. I post pictures of the house soon. It's so wonderful having more room. Son loves it too. He just runs around like crazy!
Izzy is growing and growing. I feel and see her every move and sometimes it can be a little uncomfortable when she balls up on one side or in one spot. I'm just moments away from getting kicked in the ribs. I know she is so close and I'm on a constant look out with her every move.
I'm on medication now to regulate my diabetic numbers. They started going a little haywire and now they are perfect!!!
Oh and at my last appointment, my doctor started to measure my belly and before she even completely found the exact top of my uterus, she said, "oh my gosh!" I said, "what???" She said, "you're just 30 weeks and your measuring at 34!" OH BABY!!! However, she measures right on track when we measure her in ultrasound. My mom also grew very big too. We believe our uterus' just grow big. Let's hope that's the case.
OK, pictures to come soon!

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