Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New house!

OK, so we just found out that we were chosen to rent this 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom house for $1000/month!!!! That's right. You read that correctly. Only $1000/month for a 4 bedroom house in the Bay Area California! It's all a long story, but on the up and up. We go on Sunday after church to sign the papers and all that.
Bud and I thought we were going to be renting this tiny 2 bedroom/1 bathroom house, but that was rented to someone else right before we got our App in. So it was back to the drawing board on where we were going to live. We are currently in a 1 bedroom apartment and our lease is up on July 20th. However, we are going to be out of town that weekend so we were going to be moving out the weekend before (July 10th). I was online everyday trying to find us a place to live. At least a 2 bedroom, with washer/dryer hookups and preferable a garage of some kind (for Bud's bike and drums). We found some places, but ran into the following problems: it was in the super ghetto; had zero storage or closet space; or was rented out before we could get to it.
So we just weren't having too much luck, but then all of a sudden the other day, I randomly got on and to my surprise there was a listing for this 4 bedroom house in Antioch for $1000 available on July 10th! I thought, oh this must be fake, but I'll email to make sure. The lady responded a few short minutes after that and asked for my contact info. I gave it to her and waited. I left work and when I got home I went to go show Bud and the ad was no longer there. I didn't understand so I emailed her again and ask what happened with it. She called me no more than a minute later and said the reason she had to take it off was because she was getting a million emails and it hadn't even been an hour. So she proceeded to tell me the deal with the house. Long story, but they are in a program with the bank and the just bought a cheaper house and are getting help from their nephew who is a realtor.
Out of all the people that responded, she only showed 5 people the house (Me included, Bud had to work). I saw the place this morning and she said that her and her husband were going to talk about it and they would know by Friday or Saturday who they were going to rent it to. I prayed and left it in the Lords hands that if it was meant to be, then we would get it, if not, then we'd find some place else. I went to work and received a call from Bud saying that he though the lady just called there and for me to call her. So I did and at first it didn't sound good, but then she said, "I talked with my husband and he likes the fact that you guys are young and it would be easier for you to move in 6-12 months if need be rather then a bigger family. Plus he really liked the fact that your husband rides dirt bikes. He thinks that's cool"!
So YAY! We got the house and it is so exciting. We told our family after we got married that when we have kids, that everyone is coming to our house for Christmas regardless of where we live because it was just too hard on us always have to split our day so much. So guess what?? We'll have a baby this year and now we'll have a house to have everyone over! It's so wonderful.
The Lord works in mysterious ways! Bud and I are so thankful that we can bring Izzy home from the hospital to OUR home and be a family!
Pictures to come soon!


David and Kendra Nielson said...

Sounds great! Let me know if you want to borrow those boxes.

Shelley said...

Congrats! That's so great. I'm glad things worked out so perfectly.

Diana said...

Ya! That's exciting!

The Ross Family said...

way to go girl. very exciting! Happy Movine:-)

erin said...

wow! this is awesome!! we pay more than that for our little one bedroom apt. i'm so happy for you guys!!