Preston was born on April 6, 2011 at 9:23am on a Wednesday. I had a repeat C-section and all went well.
Something new that I was able to do this time, that wasn't even an option with Izzy, was skin-to-skin in the OR! I was so excited to hear about this (that morning). So after he came out, they cleaned him up and laid him right on my chest for the rest of the time I was in there. That was AWESOME! He was so much lighter and smaller than Izzy was when she was born. However, we will never know how much he really weighed at birth because they for sure got it wrong. Here's why:
-Izzy weighed 9.12 when she was born and was clearly a big baby.
-They weighed Preston at 9.3 and he was very clearly SO much smaller and lighter that Izzy was. There was a HUGE difference.
-There were students at the hospital doing their inter and Bud even said the lady doing the scale didn't real seem like she knew what she was dong.
-Everyone (friends and family) was so shocked at how "tiny" he was. He was just very dainty.
-It also took his 6 weeks to get back to his "birth weight".
Therefore, we came to the conclusion that they just didn't get it right from the beginning. Even my home nurse thought they got it wrong. So, we will never know. But he is sure cute!
He is now almost 3 months and still a tiny little guy. He's growing long though.
It's been a few weeks since he was weighed, but I believe he was a little over 10 lbs last time we checked. I just recently put his newborn clothes away. He is now in 0-3 months, but some are still a little baggy.
Preston's smiles are so big and his eyes just beam with happiness! He looks JUST like my oldest brother did when he was this age. I found some pictures that are just alike. Warms my heart to have him look like Matthew. Matthew was also very tall, and with Bud's side of the family also having lots of height, I think he'll be very tall.
Izzy loves her "bAAAAbyyy", and loves giving him kisses. Took her a little bit to learn to be gentle and now her new thing is to grab his binky (whether it's in his mouth, laying next to him, or on the floor) and run to the nearest sink saying, "wash, wash, wash", with a very distinct "sh" sound at the end. At least she doesn't say "warsh" like her Papa.
He is your typical baby. Cries when he is hungry, tired or wet. I'm still trying to get use to the crying when wet thing, because Izzy never did that. So there have been times, when he is crying, then screaming and here I am, trying to feed him, burp him, and pat him to sleep, and NOTHING is working! I get all frustrated and don't know what to do for him, and then I remember, oh yeah, he doesn't like being wet. So I change him and then he just stops crying, and most of the time gives me a happy grin.
Here are some pictures from birth till now, but I need to transfer a lot from my phone to here, because it is a lot easier to capture some moments on my phone vs. running to get the camera. I have been a bad mom at remembering to take pictures lately. I working on it!
Oh and keep in mind, he still looks like a big baby in the hospital pictures. A lot of people though the same and then came and saw him in the hospital and was so shocked at how tiny he actually was. And again, I have a lot of the hospital snapshots on my phone, but here are some from my camera.