Every time we go out into the garage and Izzy comes with us, she B-lines it straight to the drums. She loves the fact that it's OK to beat the heck out of these things and she won't get in trouble for it!
Daddy could NOT wait any longer to put on her ridin' jersey. Size 3T.
And finally, Izzy knows where the snack cabinet is as well as the sandwich baggie cabinet. She opens both many times a day and gets into everything. If I don't catch her fast enough, we end up with sandwich baggies EVERYWHERE and a lot of the time all the snack boxes are out. This, however was the first time she got into one of the snack boxes. Apparently she was hungry. I think more made it onto the floor then in her mouth, but, whatever, they're just Cheerios and she was having a good time!
Oh and excuse the kitchen mess, we're getting ready for a brand new kitchen!!! She'll be all confused when her cabinets are gone!