Monday, October 18, 2010

Izzy's PRE-preschool class

Izzy is in a PRE-preschool class one day a week for 2 hours. It is for 12-18 months toddlers and Izzy is the second to youngest one there. AND she is probably the most advanced one. I don't say that to brag, I'm just being very honest. I go with her and stay and we play, learn, have snacks and play some more. The moms/parents learn a thing or two as well. We have only been to one so far, but we love it! Izzy enjoys "running the place" and being VERY verbal throughout class. Here are some pictures of our time there.

"Seriously mom"?

Seriously Izzy?

"Seriously Lady?" (One of the other moms was trying to get her to come to her and this is what Izzy did. haha, she's funny)

Snack time

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