Thursday, June 3, 2010 update!!!

OK, so I don't even remember what I have blogged about lately and I'm not going to lie, I really don't want to go back and read it all to find out. SO, I'm just going to write everything I feel I need to update on and it should fill everything in.
Also, I posted pictures at the end and they are somewhat in order, but not perfect and also still missing some because, shame on me, I haven't taken very many pictures this past month.
OK, so Izzy started crawling a week before she turned 7 months and started doing what I call the "run crawl". She started pulling herself up onto everything pretty much right away. She LOVES her baths. In fact, when you tell her it's bath time and she hears the water start running, she stops everything she is doing and comes HAULING! She also was introduced to the swimming pool recently and totally loves it. She will definitely be following in my footsteps and will be early at doing most things. Speaking of that, she is nine months now, as of yesterday, and she is on the verge of walking! She has taken a few steps here and there and LOVES to walk with her little push walker. She stands by herself when she wants to and doesn't cry if she falls down.
She loves her bottles and finally her food now too. For a little bit she wouldn't eat and was gagging on everything, but now she eats again. She just started being able to eat the little baby melt away cracker things. I had to start her out on these things called Baby Mum-Mums because she would gag and choke on the Puffs. So she mastered eating and chewing those, so now she is eating the puffs and doing great and loving them. Next will be Cheerios. The feeding has become pretty fun! However we are taking it slow because she still has a very quick and easy gag/choke reflex. Which is why, and all you mothers would probably agree, I hate when other people think they can just give her what ever they want. Without even asking her parents or even knowing if it's OK/safe. Don't EVER introduce any food/drink to a baby/child that is not yours. The mother and father are THE ONLY people to do that and to give the OK.
Aside from food, Izzy also likes to put everything else into her mouth. Including the dog bones and dog bowl. We're working on that. I've caught her may times playing in the cat/dog water bowl as well. Twice where she has picked it up and dumped it on her. She didn't even care...shinny bowls to bite on are way more exciting.
My brother and Megan surprised us this past month and flew in for a long weekend visit! I was so nice to have them there. I love having him around more for Izzy. They share a special bond. She would always sit in his lap and look at him and then lean in forehead to forehead for long periods of time. I was so cute. Of course I was always to late to get a shot of it. She loves her Uncle!
Bud also got a new job and had to shave his face bare. That was an adjustment...for all of us!
And Easter... wow it's been that long. Yeah, Easter was good. Izzy got some really great things for her first Easter and loved it all!

Other things she has started doing in the last couple months:
-more facial expressions
-will not sit still to get her diaper changed
-hair has gotten a lot thicker
-Wears size 12 month clothes
-(height and weight to be determined tomorrow)
-plays the piano and sings
-sings herself to sleep
-can be a little emotional (by hey...she's female)
-won't go to sleep if you rock her now
-loves to put her fingers in the dogs mouth for her to lick them
-tries to play with the cat. The cat is patient
-ticklish in the same places her mommy is
-got a new nickname- Goose! (because she is always falling and getting goose eggs)
-is a perfect mix of mommy and daddy (mommy and daddy don't care what anyone says, we know best...she is a mix and made of her mommy and daddy and equals the perfect IZZY!)
-her personality definitely takes after her mommy
-has 2 teeth
-loves to scream (we're not loving it so much. It's cute, but we are not encouraging it)
-yells when she tries to get your attention
-only cries when she is really hurt
-whimpers when she is hungry and/or sleepy
-is a total daddy's girl
She was also in her Auntie's wedding this last month and as soon as we get the pictures from that, I'll post them on here. She of course was a doll and every one's favorite aside from the bride!
Enjoy the picture update.
I will also be making this blog private sometime in the next week. I have every one's emails written down of my fellow bloggers that want to follow me, but if you haven't given it to me yet, then let me know!

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