Monday, August 24, 2009

So behind

OK, so it's been a while and no, no baby yet. I sure some were thinking, "it's been a while since she's posted, maybe she's had her baby". I wish! But not yet.
I'm 38 week today and she has one more week to come on her own and if she doesn't, then I'll have a scheduled c-section next week. I see my doctor Friday morning and I'll have the date for that. I can't believe it's already time! It has really gone by very fast! And slow all at the same time. Bud and I are so anxious to have her. We just can't wait to hold her and love on her!
The reason for the C-section you ask? Well, here's the story. Since I have Gestational diabetes, they've been monitoring me and the baby more closely to make sure she doesn't get to big. This is also the reason they won't let me go all the way or past my due date. So 3 weeks ago I had an ultrasound to check her size. Mind you, there is no way of it being totally accurate and with EVERY mom I've talked to, the doctors have never been right and have always been way over on guessing the weight - even though ultrasound. So 3 weeks ago, they were measuring her at about 7 pound. Which on average, a 34/35 week gestational baby weighs around 5. I knew they were off. Not at all thinking my baby is average, we know she'll be a little bigger, but not that big. So just this past Thursday I had another ultrasound to check her weight again, just to see. The lady who did it this time said she was measuring around 10 lbs!!! HELLO! I don't think so. First of all, I am not that big, second, I'm not even all baby, third, you mean to tell me she has gained a pound a week since the last ultrasound? You are trippin! They don't even know what they are talking about. She also said her head and abdomen were measuring at 41 weeks. I think this lady was just a little off on her measuring. I know she'll have a bigger that average head and what not, but come on. So anyways, since the doctor has to go off of that, I was then given the option of going ahead with the original plan of being induced, or having a c-section. Bud and I decided to go ahead with the c-section because there is a very high chance that I won't be able to pass her anyways (my mom ended up with a c-section for her first because she was to small and his head was too big, and he was only a little over 8 lbs). This whole pregnancy, not once did I ever think of having a birth plan, just because I think it's stupid when you have NO IDEA what can go on in labor and delivery. I'm a "go with the flow" kind of girl, so that was pretty much my birth plan: Whatever happens, happens. My goal in the whole birth process though, is to make sure my baby is born happy and healthy as possible and also for me to also be put in as little "stress" as possible. So we decided to go with the c-section because it could take up to 3 days just to dialate enough through the induction process only to more than likely find out I need a c-section anyways. So tell me, why put myself through all that an d become totally exhausted only to more than likely end up with a c-section anyways and have to then recover from super exhaustion plus surgery. I don't think so. We'd much rather go in happy, excited and ready, have a baby and start my recovery. I perfectly aware that my recovery will be a lot longer, but I'm happy with our decision and we also prayed about it and feel very comfortable with it. We asked the Lord to provide for whatever he has in his plan. If it's meant for me to labor and deliver naturally, then I told him, "put me into labor naturally". I'm not going to get drugs to throw my body into labor when it's not ready. So anywho, that's the story and we're just a week away!!!
Onto other things that have taken me awhile.
My mom threw me a beautiful and amazing baby shower a couple weeks ago and we were so blessed with friends and family! Here are some pictures from that day. As well as some belly to belly pictures of 2 close friends. They are both tiny people so they are not as big as I am. One of them is just a week ahead of me (although we may be delivering the same week now) and the other is 2 weeks behind me. YAY for babies! I can't wait to take side by side baby pictures with our babies! It will be so interesting to see the difference in size!

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